Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Look who I brought home for lunch...

Vehicular Homicide (or sometimes known as Vehicular Manslaughter) in most states in the United States, is a crime. In general, it involves death that results from the negligent operation of a vehicle, or that results from driving whilst committing an unlawful act that does not amount to a felony.
Last time I checked, going to lunch was not a crime. Maybe it should be here in "everything can be fried" Alabama. My defense shall be...he attacked me first.
Possibly, I should rethink this whole hood ornament thing, but for now he's gonna be my trophy...don't mess with me!


  1. I have to say, it's better than the "love bugs" that come to roost every spring and fall. They leave a mark (or shall I say, a lot of marks!)
