Saturday, February 28, 2009

In my free time, I edit mug shots of known criminals.

Her crime: SASS! She is on this mom's most wanted list. She allegedly stuffed dirty clothes under her bed in an attempt to cover up her messy room and sassed the mom police into using excessive force to clean up her mess.

My husband has taken our daughter to a skating party (he's the one with the bad back, and believe it or not, I'm the better skater). He is worried about the little one getting influenced by the older kids that may be at the skating rink. Ain't he cute? So, I spend my free time doing what??? Playing with pictures of her.

These were some bad lighting shots I played with and here is the result. Not as good as I wanted but other than the model, I didn't have much to work with.

Now I will ponder what went wrong with my original pictures...

Dinner at Nana's

If mother-in-laws could be food, mine would be the crème de la crème! We usually can be found on Friday nights hovering around her kitchen watching her whip up many yummies.
After we stuff ourselves and chit chat for a bit we head in for "movie night". Last night was Quarantine...a cross between Resident Evil and the Blair Witch Project. Not really my kind of movie anymore but I sat through most of it.

Today I have a photo shoot scheduled with the nieces and nephew with all of their Mardi Gras loot...gotta go clear a spot from my last shoot.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No time...

So I will wool gather...

OK, pigs can inspire too, right? This beautiful specimen was a lover...liked the attention and was VERY curious. This was from Brantley Farms for Mads birthday a few years ago. And they don't have a web site. What is up with that? I guess they are doing well without one.

What to do, what to do...this year? I think I have to use pig latin does that go?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DUH! Why don't they teach religion in public schools???

The first time I was “clued in” about Ash Wednesday was in DC prior to Google – how was I to know!? I was brought up Southern Baptist. My supervisor came back from lunch (this was back in the early 90's) and had a dark smudge on her forehead. I tried to quietly inform her that she had something on her forehead and reached for a tissue. She was a much older lady, you see, and I was worried she would be embarrassed if no one told her. She chuckled and said “Oh no, deah. It's Ash Wednesday..."

Well, how about that? People repent.

Just a memory and a story.

Wasabi...mmm mmm good!

Have I told you about my husbands love for Wasabi yet? This man does not just put a tiny dollop like most folks on his California rolls. The amount he puts on there would make a bigger man cry like a baby.

So last night, I grilled up some steak burgers (sorry no pictures of those I was too pooped and too hungry to take the time) and I mixed up a batch of Wasabi mayo. Wow what a treat.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday "limonade" for sale

LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! The start up location was really bad for business. A spot on a quiet cul de sac with few people at home is not going to be profitable.
So..they took it on the road via the Barbie Jeep and came home with a whopping $9.
After my generous hubby donated the cost for them to each have one of their own beverages, I bought one for myself, the other kids' father made a generous donation and I gave them another $1.50 so they each come out evenly with $2.25.

I don't want anymore "limonade" today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Many Moons ago - OOMM Parade 2009

I haven't gone through all the pictures yet (I only took 100 this go round) but the ladies of OOMM still put on a great parade! I know I'm biased because I have a friend in this one, but WOW! Thanks ladies!

Some of the acts I got shots of and could READ YOUR SIGNS:

I have great post parade pix that I just can't post to protect the innocent. (My daughter and her friends digging through the bounty of treasure they brought home...) If you were out there tonight, you know there was a mountain in our great room to filter through...MOON PIES TO NANA. She just loves em!

Thanks to the Fairhope and Daphne Policemen/Firemen that kept us rowdy folks in line. Ya'll ROCK! (We're so naughty here in Fairhope!)

Order of Mystic Magnolias Mardi Gras Parade

We'll be there tonight in downtown Fairhope at 7:00 until 9:00. Bring your bags, these ladies throw down (literally)!

The Fairhope parades (along with the Daphne parades) are all good family fun, and the kids come home with lots of goodies.

I'll try to take some pictures but my camera doesn't like moving objects in the dark, not to mention that I swore last year I'd bring an umbrella so my lense didn't get destroyed by random flying objects. I got twacked in the face several times last year by beads, cups AND moon pies.

Hopefully, I will have a good report when we come home.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chicken a la KING - BABY!

So, you wanna know what went on my table tonight? One of my husbands favorites. Chicken - oh so fantastic- a la King. This is a Paula Deen recipe that is a household love...try it and here's how:

Mushrooms: usually I use baby portobello/crimini...but tonight it was buttons and shitake
Green onions: I always have these babies on hand
Pimentos: Can't have this dish without them
Butter: a stick...kill all diets - any Paula recipe is butter laden
Flour: measure for your desired thickness, she calls for 1/3 cup (I never measure unless baking)
Cream: I use half and half...whipping cream just didn't taste right to me.
Salt N Pepper: to taste
Chicken broth: I use my own from the chicken I cook up usually

Saute those onions and mushrooms in the butter for a bit

I use broth from my own concoction, some spices (garlic, tyme, salt, whatever I have on hand)

Rice in my rice cooker - so generously donated by my mother-in-law. (Sticky rice - 2 cups rinsed 3 times to kill the starch, 2 cups water...perfect for all those Japanese recipes I'll share another time.) Otherwise, the boil in bag rice works wonders for time crunchers.

Dice your COOKED chicken or use leftover chicken from the rotisserie chicken you bought and didn't finish. Toss it in the other stuff.

And here she is...

Not like your mama made it, not like my mama made...but a real hubbie pleaser. It's a household recipe that shows up every now and then.

Any one that knows me, knows I never follow a recipe, I always tweak and modify depending on whats in the chef Gustau (sp) says "anyone can cook". just follow a recipe and then make it your own.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Funeral March - insert here.

How does one tell their daughter they killed their fish...? I mean really, she cleaned HER water with a spoon full of the Dechlorination stuff (it calls for a drop or two per, like, a gallon of water)...stuffed dog toys, new plants, rocks...the whole thing in in one day. Poor Betta, wasn't happy and here is where I ask you for a silent moment...

Now, just how the heck do I tell my daughter "I told ya so" in this scenario? I will cry over this fish more than she will...I hope.

My best to you who know how to calmly inform your children that Betta fish...only need a little drop, not a spoonful, of water treatment.

Face book blues

I once thought I would be happy with numerous Face book friends. Alas, I am finding it harder and harder to keep up with the Pokes, Mob wars, Farms, etc. and just "I did this" and "I did thats" to your wall. This all in one day.

I like the blog. The blog is peaceful and I can ignore it or love it. I can Tanyatize to my hearts content, and if you comment...I don't get it in email.

I have a HS friend who refuses the hype of FB and Myspace...I think I have to say "HAT'S OFF"! I may join her camp shortly.

Oh...the lament for the stamp,
So cherished and collected.
The one that graces the coveted noon day delivery
in place of the constant bombardment.
Time and time again.

No it wasn't good. So what, you read it anyway!

The ghosts of Mardi Gras

I have three little ghosties in my house for the day, they are bringing Karaoke to a new realm...yes spooking out the neighbors. I hope they don't haunt us for too long, the dog can't take it.

DinnerNRook - We whooped the boys, of course!

Ah, a friendly little gathering at Ma's turns into an all out Rook war. Us'ns vs. They'ns. Shawn kept score and THEY'NS (Mom and I) still take the night! We kicked bootie and only had the bird twice.

But you came for the food didn't you? Dinner was simple, yet divine for the tummy.

After we filled our bellies on steak, potatoes and salad the battle began...

They fret over their plays, because the girls have the "table talk" down. Oh YEAH!

Some of the party goers were not entertained by the merriment by any means. But I was able to capture her pout in all it's glory. Poor little boo.

Friday, February 20, 2009

It got cold overnight, we are at 34 at the moment. Brrrr!

This is day 2 of my baby walking to school with friends. It was a smidge easier for me today, but I still watched her walk off around the corner and pondered how I will make it through the dating, driving, etc. milestones.

Tonight I think we are grilling at Ma's for dinner. Then we'll play some Rook. Mom and I are gonna beat the boys booties, as usual. I may take the camera, I may not. (I need to see if I can't capture my mom's "I've got the BIRD" face.)

Last night was a lazy dinner for me. I cut up salad fixings and threw some baked chicken and Feta on top. Not worthy of a picture. I should have taken a pic of the Mad monster that practically fell into her salad bowl exhausted. What does she do in school all day that makes her soooo tired when dinner time rolls around? I guess since it did take me three hours to get it on the table, I shouldn't be so surprised.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blue screen of DEATH!

This greeted me upon coming home for lunch today. I guess it's time to clean up my puter some, check the fan, talk to the hubbie about how to keep this from happening. Ugh, I had plans to email a friend from HS and instead of the lengthy, information packed email I only had time to serve up an apology.

Dinner tonight is still in up for grabs. Last night a co-worker came over for dinner and I didn't take a pic. But we had a Stir fry with red peppers, steak, onions and shitake shrooms. It was ok, but I will come up with something better next time she comes over to hang out for a bit.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Look who I brought home for lunch...

Vehicular Homicide (or sometimes known as Vehicular Manslaughter) in most states in the United States, is a crime. In general, it involves death that results from the negligent operation of a vehicle, or that results from driving whilst committing an unlawful act that does not amount to a felony.
Last time I checked, going to lunch was not a crime. Maybe it should be here in "everything can be fried" Alabama. My defense shall be...he attacked me first.
Possibly, I should rethink this whole hood ornament thing, but for now he's gonna be my trophy...don't mess with me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today, my daughter walked to school without me. She met up with friends and disappeared around the corner with nary a look back at her grieving mama. I fought the good fight not to cry...and secretly follow her and hide in the bushes. I paced and prayed and paced some more. I hope this gets easier.

Tonight for dinner, tastey beans. A family love (ok, all but me). This one is quick, easy and not too pretty. I'll take a pic anyhow. (See how yummy it looks - don't knock it 'til you try it!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2/4/2009 Dinner Last Night

Ah for dinner we had another Paula recipe. Chicken patties (croquettes) with a Creole sauce. Shawn says it was yummy. I couldn't taste anything because of this crud stopping up my whole head.

I wanted to test it out for Saturday's Mary & Martha tea to see how much was involved. I think it will be fine. It's really all about the chopping. I'll make this (obviously) again. The sauce makes this dish - or so I'm told by my hubbie.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/3/2009 Exploring Blogger

This is my first official entry. Just tooling around until I get the hang of this. So far, I can't get a pic in and I'll just have to play later when I have more time.