I spent this rainy Saturday under an umbrella taking pictures for the Charles Phillips website (see link in my links list). What an amazing place! I wondered (er...wandered, that is) from building to building in awe of all the cool stuff and if I hadn't been taking so many pictures I would have been begging for this item or that item from my husband. Even the Mad monster was having a blast looking at the cool things. You should really take a trip out there if you are in the market for really unique architectural antiques and so many other treasures!

Per my husbands request, I have added some shots of the headboard he wants. :)

I know right? A veritable treasure trove of goodies. The salvaged pieces were the most interesting to me. I want that headboard. If you got a picture of that you should really post it. To think that it was hand carved is almost beyond comprehension...I mean, how many hours must that have taken???