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I hate it. I really want to love it all, but it is all such a pain. Neither one is really productive. I just spent an hour with the new features (who knows when they came into play...I've been busy with life) and smacked myself when I realized I had it set to the "lite" version of viewing. I guess it's time to spice up my knowledge base when it comes to this whole social network crap. Guess what this is?
It's hard to imagine my Mom baulked at the cell phone. I thought the cell phone was such a frivolous thing too, back in the beginning. Now I panic when I don't have it when I leave the house. My daughter has my cell phone memorized (and has her own...ugh!) better than the house line...imagine that. My daughter has only seen the vinyl RECORD versions of "Star Wars" (1977), "The Story of Star Wars" (1977). Bach on the Pedal Harpsicord/E. Power Biggs (Library of Congress catalog number R65-2809) and Toccata and Fugue/Bach's Organ Music (1980) because that is all I saved from my extensive collection. None of which we can actually play because we haven't had a turn table since WAY before she was born. She knows "download this for me dad, I'll clean my room". Wow, where did the time go. When will the transporter come into being...I'd like that trip to Europe now, please.
Anyone can cook...If you are a Disney Mom, you know where that phrase comes from. And in this house, I knew that before the movie "Ratatouille" came out. I have a "little chef" on my hands. I was throwing together a stir fry for dinner the other night and the little monster (oh, she's such a delightful monster) decided she wanted to make a pre-dinner snack. Little bug doesn't know what an appetizer is or an Hors d'œuvre, but she planned it out, cut it up and happily chatted while she chopped and assembled.

Meanwhile, I assemble her bento box for camp the next day...I'm obsessed and here is the first picture of a not so beautiful bento I have for her. Left - stir fry: chicken, rice (duh), little corns, beans and (shh don't tell her) onions, Middle - mini frittatas: egg, cheese, tomatoes, sauteed leeks a few green beans wrapped in smoked turkey to fill the space and right - steamed green beans. This is only the bottom tier. The next tier will have her fruits, one of her little appetizers and whatever I can throw in to fill space. She loves it! Get your kids interested in food that isn't too processed! Get them into bento...PLAY WITH FOOD, it's super fun!
I thought I could keep up with a blog, I really did. I cook, I take pictures, I follow my daughter around with a camera, for goodness sake...why can't I make a trivial entry here and there? The answer lies within the kitchen. My latest obsession is the bento. What is that you ask...? Check out Lunch in a box (link must be listed to the side, I'm sure.)
I have gone overboard in the bento phenom. I don't have time to do the "art" but I spend half an hour at least designing my daughters lunches these days for camp. I LOVE it!
I promised some folks foodie pix, I just don't have time to show the bentos right here is another yummy from the Olde Savannah Inn. That's the yummy fritatta we had our last day being pampered...ah fond memories of a rainy but fabulous Mom-N-Daughter get away.
I just spent the most frustratingly beautiful weekend in Savannah, GA. My plan for the trip: hang out and reconnect with Ma, take lots of pictures and eat lots of GREAT food. Mission accomplished, with a few bumps, bruises AND mosquito bites along the way.This post will be full of stuff, I will edit tomorrow when I have more time but, I have a wonderful and rainy experience to share. (Someone needs to fix that fountain...what happened?!)Here's a teaser...a food teaser that is.